Keys for the registration of the company name

The registration of the corporate name is one of the most important elements when incorporating a company. After all, it is the name by which the entity will be known. From this law firm we share with you the best tips for you to process it successfully.

Registration of the company name

The registration of the company name is a document that proves that no other company has the same name. Any entity wishing to operate under the provisions of the law must be registered.

The reason is very simple. The chosen name will be used for formal, legal and administrative purposes. Hence the importance of establishing a single denomination. In other words, it is through registration that the legal entity identifies itself with a name that is susceptible to legal rights and obligations.

Registration keys

The body in charge of issuing the corporate name is the Commercial Registry. Once the document is available, it is possible to present it to the notary to incorporate the new company. Or, also, to modify the previous name of an already registered entity. The best way to expedite the process is:

Thinking about the name

The choice of name can be a bit difficult. And there could be a company already registered in this way. For greater efficiency in the designation process, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • Use two or more words. There is a good chance that by choosing a single one, it is already registered.
  • Official names and names of towns, municipalities, cities, provinces or autonomous communities shall not be considered as differentiating elements.
  • 3. It is not allowed to include known brand names.
  • 4. It is insufficient to differentiate the denomination with another existing denomination based on a letter or number.
  • 5. It is not allowed to include internet domains (.com, .net .cat…).
  • 6. In case you want to add a number to the denomination, it must be a distinctive element and must indicate information such as street number, year of foundation, etc.

It is possible to submit an application with up to five different name variants. Ideally, it is best to exhaust the options on a single occasion so as not to have to repeat the procedure.

Company name and trade name

Company name and trade name
For many people, the corporate name and the trade or brand name are the same. The truth is that the two reasons do not necessarily coincide. This is due to the fact that they have different fields of action.

The corporate name is used exclusively in all legal transactions. On the other hand, the trade name or trademark is used in advertising and marketing elements.

Abbreviations of the main social forms

All corporate names are written by combining the desired name followed by its corporate form. Some prefer to use abbreviations instead of the full designation. Among the main existing social forms are:

  • S.A., abbreviation for corporation.
  • S.L. or S.R.L., abbreviation for limited liability company.
  • S.C. or S.R.C., abbreviation for partnership.
  • S. Coop., abbreviation for cooperative society.

Before starting the certificate application process, it is important to know the type of company you wish to register. If not clear, the lack of this information can delay the whole process.

Check availability

The availability, or not, of the corporate name can be consulted at the Mercantile Registry. The body will issue a simple informative note. The document states whether or not the name appears before the Registry.

At Carlos Baño León Abogados we can help you. We provide advice with the registration of the company name and any other procedure related to commercial law in Alicante. Contact us!

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